

Hurricane Maria: Object Detection

30 minute read

(Python - Machine Learning, Computer Vision (YOLO)) The 2024 EY Open Science Data challenge is focused on helping coastal communities become more resilient t...

Air France Marketing: R Analysis

19 minute read

(R, NLP) Air France Internet Marketing: Optimizing Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and Kayak Sponsored Search. The analysis reveals whether different search engines we...

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Wedding Proposal for Client

28 minute read

(SQL) Designed a database based on the hair and makeup vendors information in San Francisco Bay Area. This includes entities, functional dependencies, and En...

Text Adventure Game: Escape Room

18 minute read

(Python) A text adventure game full of random plot twists and survival strategy. This game requires critical thinking, simple code analysis, and having fun w...

Wedding Vendors Database Design

260 minute read

(SQL) Designed a database based on the hair and makeup vendors information in San Francisco Bay Area. This includes entities, functional dependencies, and En...

Sales Performance Analysis

2 minute read

(Tableau, Dashboard) A comprehensive view and interactive dashboard of sales performance with key metrics, BANS, drill-down bar chart, and maps with dynamic ...

SQL Guess The Movie Challenge

1 minute read

(SQL) Choose one film based on alternating numeric and non-numeric yes/no questions. Only 3 maximum questions per column are allowed.

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