About Me

Hi there!

Hailing from the beautiful place Philippines, I bring with me my passion for Chemical Engineering. My passion led me to San Francisco to see more of the mysteries and beauty of data.

👩‍💻 I’m a Master’s student at Hult International Business School San Francisco (September 2023 - August 2024).

📊 I’m aspiring to be a data scientist or machine learning engineer.

You can call me Jo-anne, and here’s a fun fact for you: I can effortlessly recite the alphabet backwards and I bring that same level of creativity and innovation in everything I do.

I moved to San Francisco to pursue a “Master’s Degree in Business Analytics,” aiming to transition into roles within the data science field. I have a goal of joining a global data-centric, data-driven team, and growth-focused tech industry.

My dream? Not only to analyze data but also drive business outcomes and innovate people experience by contributing and making impactful software solutions.


SQL | Python | Pandas | Machine Learning | R | Tableau | VB Script | Process Control Systems | Agile Methodology